We offer art therapy, and art workshops for mental health.
Art Jam aims to improve mental health and connection in the community with our art therapy and art workshops.
With a passion for mental health and healing, we provide an avenue for people in need to express themselves freely and develop a strong sense of individuality and belonging through creativity.
We especially welcome people experiencing disadvantages to participate and will do our best to accommodate any special needs or requirements. Get in touch if you have any questions about how we can help you, your group, or someone you know.
Who We Have Worked With
- Many Local Councils have provided workshops and events involving Art Jam, including:
- City of Swan
- City of Belmont
- City of Bayswater
- City of Stirling
- City of Kwinana
- City of Cockburn
- City of Subiaco
- Town of Bassendean
- Town of Vincent
- Town of Victoria Park
- Town of East Fremantle
- State Government Departments have contracted us for programs and events
- Dept Justice: Banksia Hill Detention Centre
- North Metro Health Service: Youth Axis, as part of Arts & Mental Health Network
- Mental Health Commission: WA Association of Mental Health, including WAAMH Conference
- Small businesses to large corporations have engaged our services for staff teams and clients
- Central Park Tower
- Perth Mint
- Mission Australia
- District 360 Supports
- AOK Keep Moving Physio
- Community groups and Not For Profits have been provided discounts on our services, as part of our social impact plan
- St Pats Youth Place
- Perth City Farm
- St Vincent DePaul
- Dismantle
- Nannup Music Club
- Folkworld Inc. Fairbridge Festival

“Having Ellie join us with Art Jam over the past few years, has been such a warm and creative addition to the festival. So much so, she is always invited back and each year has grown in her offering. Its bright, colourful, creative and friendly- if only I had the time to stop and play myself. I love Art Jam!” – Phaedra Watts, Nannup Music Festival
“Ellie and Cheryl joined us to mark the 25th anniversary of the Valley of the Giants Tree Top Walk. They creatively transformed a beautiful hollow tingle tree in our Ancient Empire into an Art Jam original – A tingle spider web which is symbolic of the tingle spider, a Gondwanan relic only found in this forest. Ellie and Cheryl took inspiration from our Tree Top Walk mascot – Spingle Spider and envisaged an interactive space that could work for families and children of all ages. Well done Art Jam for making our event truly memorable. We will definitely work together in the future!” Ryan Smith – Manager Valley of the Giants Tree Top Walk

“Cheryl worked with the students in a considerate and gentle manner. Many of the students have mental health issues and Cheryl adjusted her proximity and communication to accommodate individual needs. Cheryl ensured each student felt heard and listened to and allowed them to be autonomous in the process. Whilst Cheryl fosters an environment of care and supportiveness, she also commands the essence of accountability in relating and reflecting with the students.” Libby Hinton – Cyril Jackson Senior High School.

We thank all who have supported Art Jam WA in any form
We especially want to highlight some of the support we have received from the following:
Milktooth – School of art and stories – Check them out here!
Liz and Campbell supported us at the very start of our journey, and we couldn’t thank them enough. You will still see photos in our promotions taken by Liz at our first official workshop. They run fantastic programs for children and we highly recommend them.
District 360 Supports – Get in touch for their programs and services!
District 360 are a family owned NDIS provider who take a different approach to support. We love their passion for providing interesting programs, and helping clients attend events like music festivals. We are so grateful to be able to use their community hub and use their help with NDIS plans to provide our service to the community.
Nannup Music Club – Get tickets to the next Nannup Music Festival if you can!
This event is a favourite on our calendar, and as one of Art Jam’s very first clients, they have been an important part of our journey. The artistic director does a wonderful job of selecting musicians you need to hear, and the arts and workshops program is always inspiring, fun, and out of the ordinary. Thanks Phaedra for your ongoing hard work.
WAAMH – We recommend WAAMH for their excellent training here, and the CAREHub here
The WA Association for Mental Health have provided some invaluable training to our team, we highly recommend you attend their training around trauma, self care and wellbeing, and de-escalation skills.
Anyone can join the Care Hub; a place to connect with others living with mental illness, and those working in the field

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